
 2022-08-01 21:43:02





Review on the research status of starch plastics


With the development of the times and social progress, sustainable development and environmental protection has attracted more and more attention, and the starch plastics because of its wide raw material sources, low price, renewable, less pollution to the environment and completely biodegradable characteristics have attracted widespread attention of researchers. But it also has the disadvantages of poor water resistance and weak mechanical properties.This paper introduces the concept, classification and characteristics of starch plastics, research status at home and abroad, product properties, manufacturing methods, existing problems and future development direction and prospect. Properties of starch plastics reinforced by modified polyvinyl alcohol fiber. The modification of polyvinyl alcohol fiber modified with different amount of silane coupling agent was compared with that by controlling the reaction time. The coupling agent was modified to improve the tensile strength and water resistance of polyvinyl alcohol.

Key words:Starch plastics;Silane coupling agent;Modified;Polyvinyl alcohol fiber;experimental design

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