
 2022-08-07 10:22:34



Since the concept of 'micro lecture ' officially entered the country, many researchers have devoted themselves to the design and development of 'micro lecture '. The design and development of 'micro lecture ' has also become the focus of research and construction of the information technology resource center.However, there are relatively few micro class on geography in junior high schools, and they lack innovation in design and development. This study carefully studied and combed the literature on micro class and STEAM theory at home and abroad, and collated and analyzed the typical micro class cases of major platforms. Furthermore, starting from the two aspects of innovation in the conceptual design ofmicro class and the innovation in the development of technology, combined with the STEAM education concept,Centered on 'Earth' in junior high school geography, junior high school geography series of micro lessons were produced. This research mainly finds problems from case analysis and literature background analysis, and then combines the STEAM education concept to design lesson plans and scripts for micro class from the aspects of situational analysis, goal setting, learning methods, processes, and results. Depending on the script, a series of micro-curriculum resource packs that are relatively novel in design and production were created using corresponding development tools.

关键词:STEAM学习理念; 微课; 微课设计; 微课开发

  1. 研究的背景与意义
  2. 微课的背景与意义

基于互联网 的时代背景,以及新课标改革的催化下,微课作为一种教育的新型教学资源,正被越来越多的人接受。

1. 互联网 时代背景下微课的发展和广泛运用

根据李克强总理在2015年的《政府工作报告》中提到“互联网 ”行动计划。在中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)2015年12月发布的《中国互联网发展状况统计调查》中有一项“2011-2015年青少年网民规模和互联网普及率”统计表如下图:[1]

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